Oona King

MP's can’t die in Parliament…

SURVIVING-PARLIAMENT-WITH-A-DISABILITY-THAT-ONLY-APPEARED-1-WEEK-IN-4Former MP, now Baroness King, at home with 3 of her 4 kids in East London.

October 4th 2015 - When I was stretchered out of the House of Commons in an ambulance, after collapsing on the floor after six hours of earth-shattering pain, one of the attendants whispered, “MPs aren’t allowed to die in the palace.” Westminster has many strange rules and that’s – honestly – one of them. You can’t die in Parliament. I remember thinking, although I was a supposedly healthy 32-year-old, “maybe I am actually dying”.

Idris goes to Parliament


Idris Elba received a standing ovation from MPs and media industry leaders when he visited the House of Commons at my invitation to give a keynote speech on Diversity in the Media. His speech went viral after only 4 hours online. In it he asks the TV & film industry to be more imaginative so that the world we live in is reflected on screen. 

18 Jun 2015 by in Speeches

Speech to Parliament as Shadow Broadcast Minister:

A generation ago, in 1998, the Labour Government defined the creative industries as comprising any business with the potential to generate,

wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property”.

It seems strange now that, in the fairly recent past, the Blair Government became the first in the world to recognise the creative industries as an industrial sector in their own right. The Creative Industries Mapping Document published by former Secretary of State, Chris Smith—now the noble Lord, Lord Smith—set out for the first time to measure and map the impact of the creative industries on the rest of the economy. He wrote in the foreword to the document:

05 Mar 2015 by in Speeches

Empowering women means giving them the practical tools to escape poverty and prejudice. Around the world, including here in Britain, a baby girl’s life chances are disadvantaged in comparison to her brother’s at almost every turn, and once she becomes a woman the disadvantage becomes entrenched.

04 Feb 2015 by in Diversity

Benedict Cumberbatch deserves thanks for dipping his toe into the troubled waters of broadcasting diversity. He raised the thorny issue of his black acting friends not getting the same opportunities as white actors, particularly here in the UK. His accidental use of the derogatory term "coloured" promptly flung him into the linguistic swamp that mires race. This swamp is conscientiously patrolled by the PC diversity brigade, and as a reward Benedict's had his head bitten off – a sort of linguistic version of sharia.

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Sometimes being mixed race is like having a cloak of invisibility.  The most remarkable hour of my life came when I put on a head scarf and went out alone to witness riots on the 'Arab street' in the Gaza Strip in June 2003. If the thousands of young Palestinians had known I was a Jew with an American and British passport, and an MP to boot, at best they would have kidnapped me, at worst killed me on the spot.

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Idris Elba

Idris Elba endorsed me as mayor for London when I ran for the Labour nomination in 2010.

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